CPA Practice Advisor

SEP 2014

Today's Technology for Tomorrow's Firm.

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16 September 2014 • PAYROLL Reviews BEST FIT • A MS 1099 Etc. is designed for s m a l l - t o m e d i u m - s i z e d accounting frms doing payroll or afer-the-fact payroll, particu- larly when used as an add-on to their payroll sofware STRENGTHS Te strength of this package is the updates that come every few weeks, whether for a change in reporting requirements by a state or federal government, a technical improve- ment or just an easier way to use the sofware. Te blog, with its friendly and easy to follow tone, alerts users to c h a n ge s i n r ate s a s w e l l a s ans wer i ng co m m o n em pl oyee questions and warning about how to protect yourself from fraud. • Supports all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto R ico • Up to 1,999 payers a nd 9,999 employees supported per payer • Easy payer and employee setup • N e t w o r k a n d m u l t i p l e P C installation included (site license applies) • State and Federal tax tables are included and updated as needed • Up to 40 user-defned felds can be set up for deductions/addi- t ions such a s 4 01K or Hea lt h Insurance • P r o c e s s e s e m p l o y e e d i r e c t deposit payroll information • Prints MICR checks – Sofware Generated Forms required • Checks can be printed individu- ally, or by a date range • Over 30 dif ferent check t y pes supported • Supports Federal payroll forms such as the 941, 94 0, 943, 94 4 and 1040 Schedule H POTENTIAL LIMITATIONS • Tis package works best as part of the overall suite of sofware as o p p o s e d t o b e i n g u s e d a s a standalone system. SUMMARY & PRICING AMS Payroll is an add-on module to the W-2/1099 Forms Filer. Tis allows payroll and non-employee compensation and certain other 1099 information to be entered by check throughout the year. The program supports either "Live" or After-The-Fact Payroll. You can transfer this data to the state/fed- eral quarterly unemployment forms along with the year-end W-2s and 1099s. Advanced Micro Solutions 1099-Etc Read the full review and see expanded ratings for this product online at: 4.5 2014 OVERALL RATING BEST FIRM FIT Accounting professionals looking to build or expand their payroll service offerings through a web- based interface STRENGTHS • Qu ick a nd eas y generat ion of pay rol l , e s pe c i a l l y for s a l a r y employees • Includes a number of accountant centric tools for free • Mobi le apps a re sig n i f ica nt ly more refned than competitors • I nt e g r a t ion p oi nt s f or ot he r web-based beneft providers POTENTIAL LIMITATIONS • Employee limitation of around 10 0 e m p l o y e e s w i t h i n e a c h payroll company • No custom reporting options SUMMARY & PRICING SurePayroll for Accountants is a w e b - b a s e d p a y r o l l p l a t f o r m designed for accounting profes- sionals to manage pay roll. The platform includes a number of tools for accounting professionals to brand themselves as payroll special- ists and provides opportunities to resell payroll ser vices through a wholesale pricing model. Currently the wholesale pricing model con- sists of four separate tiers deter- mined solely by the number of pay ro l l c l i e n t s p ro c e s s e d . A l l pricing options include unlimited payroll processing each month for each respective payroll client and also includes all direct deposit options. Example pricing for an accounting professional processing 1 0 p a y r o l l c l i e n t s w i t h 1 0 employees each would be priced at $50/month for each payroll client. Nominal fees apply per additional employee and for all annual W-2 and 1099 processing. SurePayroll Read the full review and see expanded ratings for this product online at: 4.75 2014 OVERALL RATING BEST FIRM FIT Businesses or accounting profes- sionals who want a fast, simple, online payroll processing system t hat i s p r i mar i l y d es ig n ed f o r managing up to 20 employees. However, the system can manage larger employee bases. STRENGTHS • Accessible f rom v i r t ua l ly a ny web connected device • Simple interface design • Up-front pricing model • E mployee por t a l i nc luded i n pricing • Aggressive continued sof ware development POTENTIAL LIMITATIONS • Cur rent ly l i m ited to four teen states • R epor t i ng opt ion s a re not a s complete as competitors SUMMARY & PRICING ZenPayroll is a web-based payroll solution designed to be fast and simple, making good use of internet technology. As a fully outsourced s o l u t i o n , a l l p a y m e n t s a n d reporting are processed automati- cally by ZenPayroll. Currently the payroll solution is only available in a fourteen states, but that number is continuously expanding. The pricing model for ZenPayroll is simple and straightfor ward and consists of a monthly base fee of $25 per month per company with the frst ten employees processed at $4 per month. Afer the frst 10, each additional employee or contractor can be processed for only $2 per month. As an example, pricing to process 10 employees is $65 per month and includes all items noted in the rev iew. The eleventh employee would raise the total to $67 per month. ZenPayroll Read the full review and see expanded ratings for this product online at: 4.5 2014 OVERALL RATING

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