CPA Practice Advisor

FEB 2015

Today's Technology for Tomorrow's Firm.

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30 February 2015 • Dr. Jason Selk, former director of menta l t ra i n i ng for t he St. L ou is Cardinals and one of the country's premier performance coaches, out- lined his method of mental toughness as keynote speaker at the BKR Inter- national Worldwide Meeting in San Francisco late last year. His Relentless Solution Focus (RSF) provides several tips for accounting firms and their teams to adopt when managing people and the pace of change. 1. THERE IS ALWAYS A SOLUTION. Selk talked about the my th of dis- cussing problems and expecting that continuous talk about those prob- lems will lead to a solution. Instead, S e l k a d v o c a t e s d i s c u s s i o n o n improv ing the things accountants a nd f i r ms a re doi ng wel l. "Fi r ms should focus on their strengths, the things they can improve on, and the diference it could make," said Jim K ra f t , pa r t ner at L i ndqu i st , von Husen & Joyce LLP in San Fran- cisco. "It seems si mple, but t hey shou ld a lso set a dead l ine on t he actions that will move them toward the improvement," K raf added. 2. NEGATIVE THINKING EXPANDS. Continuous negative think ing — in a person or organization — is a red fag that nothing w ill improve. Te best w ay to stop t h i n k i ng about negative things is to ask and answer this question: W hat is one thing I can do diferently that could improve my situation? "Forcing yourself to answer th is question ma kes your mind shif from problems to solu - tions," said Dave Dav is, managing p a r t n e r a t J o h a n s o n & Y a u Accountanc y Cor poration in San Jose, Calif. 3. A FOCUS ON SOLUTIONS LEADS TO SOLUTIONS. Sel k adv i ses t hat people a re not a l l o w e d t o s a y, " I d o n't k no w." I nstead, t hey ca n say, " T hat's a n issue we need to address. Let's talk about what could solve this. In 60 seconds, ever yone can think more positively about what is actually in their control to change." 4. ANY IMPROVEMENT IS BENEFICIAL. Some issues are not solvable in one meeting or in one week. However, any improvement is the star t of a solution. "Your ultimate goal and dest i nat ion a s a tea m shou ld be clear," said Frank Schettino, man- aging partner at A nchin, Block & A nchin LLP in New York . "Once everyone agrees on the goal, then any disagreements or problems along the way are more easily managed." 5. KNOWLEDGE IS NOT A SOLUTION. ACTION IS REQUIRED. Accountants can get stuck too long i n resea rch about a f r m problem — or procrastinate by focusing on client work . Firm leaders need to cha nge t he conversat ion to what actions their team can take in the nex t 24 hours, weeks and months to move towa rd a solut ion — or face get t i ng lef t beh i nd by t hei r competition. I n h i s work w it h profe s sion a l at h letes a nd ot her orga n izat ions around the U.S., Dr. Selk demon- strates that mental toughness can increase indiv idual health, happi- ness and success. By ex tension, it produces orga n i z at ion s t hat a re healthier and more successf ul. " W h e n w e c o n s i d e r l e a d e r - dr iven accounting f irms that focus o n s o l u t i o n s , t h i s m i n d s e t i s a d ist i nc t adva ntage for cl ient ser- v i c e , t a l e n t r e c r u i t m e n t a n d growth," notes Maureen Schwar tz, exec ut ive d i rec tor of BK R I nter- nationa l. "Dr. Sel k 's presentation a t B K R I n t e r n a t i o n a l 's r e c e n t meeting helped us rea lize the fol ly of har ping on problems rather than f inding solutions." 5 Tips to Attract the Strongest Staff W ith the critical pursuit of talent in the accounting profession, firms will likely encounter candidates or new hires who may appear disciplined and solution-focused, but in the end lack the fortitude to survive — let alone thrive — in a changing environ- ment that requires mental toughness. FEATURE By Isaac O'Bannon, Managing Editor

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