CPA Practice Advisor

AUG 2015

Today's Technology for Tomorrow's Firm.

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August 2015 • 11 APPS WE LOVE JIM BOURKE, CPA.CITP, CFF, CGMA, partner in charge of internal technology at WithumSmith+Brown recommends Glassdoor and states that, "Hands dow n, this has to be one of the best reference tools for those seeking a position with a new company." With Glassdoor you can learn about salaries and benefts and re a d re v ie w s of f i r m s a nd t he i r ma nagement . "Gla ssdoor is ver y wel l k now n for their information r ich site w it h i nside i n for mat ion about companies directly from the o p i n i o n s o f c u r r e n t a n d p a s t employees," said Bourke. "Now that data is accessible right f rom your smartphone via the Glassdoor app." BARRETT YOUNG, CPA, founding me m b e r o f T he G r e e n A b a c u s , concurs, descr ibing Glassdoor as "one of t he best websites for job seekers on t he web today. Glass- d o o r p u t s t h e i m p e t u s o n t h e employer to create a culture worth w o r k i n g i n , a nd g i v e s n e w a nd f or me r e m plo y e e s a c h a n ne l t o communicate what really goes on w i t h i n t h e c o m p a n y . A s a n employer mysel f, I welcome t hat k ind of transparency and look for- ward to atracting top talent based on something beyond salar y." SANDRA WILEY, COO at Boomer Consulting , has been involved in human resources for decades. She suggests Jobs by CareerBuilder for t hose who a re look i ng for a job; Resume Genie – a free and efective resume builder; K PMG Go – a great app for those who are specifcally looking for jobs within K PMG, and Job Inter v iew Questions Prep – a great app, fun and interesting. DUSTIN WHEELER, CPA, t a x ma nager at Hawk i ns C lowa rd & Sim ister, says that "JibberJobber. com is a helpf u l tool to orga n ize relationships and companies in a job search. Te site has a community to collaborate w ith other users." Te fou nder a lso w r ites a blog about LinkedIn at imonlinkedinnow what. com flled with useful tips. DANIELLE SUPKIS CHEEK, CPA, C F E , C V A , a n d p r e s i d e n t o f Houston-based D. Supk is Cheek, P L L C , s u g g e s t s u s i n g a c l o s e t t r a c k e r a p p . T h e r e a r e s e v e r a l a v a i l a b l e , i n c l u d i n g C l o t h , Net robe, St ylebook , a nd Touch- Closet. Use the app to keep track of what you wear each day so you're not wearing the same outft repeat- edly w ith the same people. "I could s e e t h at b e i n g u s e f u l i f you a re going on multiple rounds of inter- v iews w ith several diferent compa- nies," Cheek said. "Most commu- n ic at ion is non-verba l . It is ver y important to look the part of the job you want, par ticularly during the inter v iew ing process. However, if you go on ma ny rou nds of i nter- v iew s w it h d i f ferent prospec t ive e m p l o y e r s , i t c a n b e h a r d t o remember what you wore last time." DAV ID CIESL A K , CPA .CI T P, GSEC, principal with A r x is Tech- nology, and Paul Lofus, vice presi- dent of sales and revenue retention at W o l t e r s K l u w e r , r e c o m m e n d LinkedIn, which Cieslak refers to as "the most logical suspect." Lofus says that LinkedIn " has had the largest i mpac t on how I at t rac t , sea rch, secure, and even retain top talent. It plays a critical role in all aspects of ma nag ing ta lent, f rom prov id ing potential candidates insight into your firm and your personal leadership b r a nd t o e a s i l y s e a r c h i n g y o u r ex pa nded net work for a ny ta lent needs for your organization." Mobile Career Tools By Gail Perry, CPA, Editor-In-Chief W e are covering career- related apps this month. W hether you're plan- ning on furthering your ow n career, work ing with others as a mentor, or in a position to do some hiring, our CPA Practice Advisor community has some recommendations that will surely help you! APPS WE LOVE IS SPONSORED BY HTTP://ACCOUNTANTSWORLD.COM AccountantsWorld ® Accountants First SM ... only at S W

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