CPA Practice Advisor

APR 2015

Today's Technology for Tomorrow's Firm.

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April 2015 • 19 APPS WE LOVE B A R R E T T Y O U N G , C P A , FOUNDER OF THE GREEN ABACUS, u ses Ever note " for ever y t h i ng! " Evernote prov ides a workspace for daily projects and syncs across all dev ices. Young told CPA Practice Advisor, "Evernote is ever y where I am and has many ways of bringing information inside and mak ing it usef ul. A ICPA President and CEO CEO Barr y Melancon calls Ever- note "a g reat app" a nd tech g u r u R i c k R i c h a r d s o n s t a t e s t h a t Ever note " i s t he foc u s of a l l my research, storage, and organization. I t 's t h e w a y I 'm g o i n g a l m o s t paperless. Don't k now what I'd do w ithout it." SH A NE PICK E T T, CPA , TA X SUPERVISOR AT PROVO, UTAH- BASED HAWKINS CLOWARD & SIMISTER, is a fa n of Feed ly, t he a p p w h e r e y o u c a n r e a d y o u r favor ite new spapers, maga z i nes, and blogs. "Feed ly app organizes the fow of news and information I'm interested in. With a sw ipe or touch, I can easily read, share, and mark 'to read later' all w ithin the app," Picket t ex pla i ned. Fut u r ist Rebecca Ryan adds, "Does anyone do R SS feeds any more? Feed ly is my feeding tube." ANGIE GRISSOM, OWNER AND PRESIDENT OF THE RAINMAKER C OMPA NIES, r e c om me nd s t he projec t ma nagement app Ba se- camp. "I set up projects for work and invite others to be a part of it. It's a great way to share fles, have discus- sions, col laborate on documents, assign tasks, and check due dates. Basecamp is accessible at anytime f rom a ny w he re . I a l s o u s e it t o coordinate our k id 's sports sched- u les a nd ou r t ravel . I c a n c reate various to do lists and then mark of items as I complete them." JIM BOOMER, CIO OF BOOMER CONSULTING, INC., stays organized with Clear, the to-do and reminders app. "It's a simple app to create and manage all kinds of lists. From to- do's to grocer y lists, this app has helped me to limit the number of paper lists I'm managing." Boomer also likes Key R ing. "Te number of rewards and customer loyalty cards that were in my wallet and on my keychain had exploded to the point I couldn't take it and went looking for a solut ion. Key R i ng was t he answer and I've now consolidated all these cards on my smart phone a long w ith bar codes that can be scanned directly at checkout." JOHN HIGGINS, STR ATEGIC TECHNOLOGY ADVISOR FOR CPA CROSSINGS, LLC, recom mend s OneNote. Te note-taking organi- zation tool is accessible across all devices. "Te direct integration with MS Ofce lets me link appointment details, contact records, and email messages directly into a meeting note page. Te organization model for m a n a g i ng a l l of my note s i s second to none." W ho doesn't want to be beter organized? W i t h t o d a y 's a p p s , there are lots of oppor- tunities available to orga- nize various aspects of your business and personal lives. We asked members of the CPA Practice Advisor audience and family to share some of their favorite organizational apps and this is what we learned. APPS WE LOVE IS SPONSORED BY HTTP://ACCOUNTANTSWORLD.COM AccountantsWorld ® Accountants First SM ... only at Organizational Tools for Professionals By Gail Perry, CPA, Editor-In-Chief

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